My Hair: FAQ


Is it real?

Yes, it’s real. I mean, most of it. Some of it is fake.

Wow, who does your hair?

I do it myself. Yes, color and cut. And the extensions too. No, I’m not a hairstylist. To be fair, my best friend gave me this sweet mohawk recently. No, he’s not a hairstylist either.

Can I touch it?

You probably don’t want to. But no, you can’t. Don’t be weird.

What’s that… Stuff?

Oh, I collect little bits of random things. I keep it in a box labeled “hair stuff”. Right now, you’re looking at Christmas tree lightbulbs, keys, a broken necklace chain, synthetic dreads, leather cord, and beads.

Does it hurt?

Only if I lay on it the wrong way. It’s much more likely to hurt someone else. That’s a really weird question, BTW.

How do you wash it?

I don’t.

What products do you use?


No, really. What products do you use?

Okay, here is an abbreviated list of things that are or have been in my hair: Cheap hairspray, Elmers glue, playa dust, sunscreen, lotion, beeswax, salt…

How do you get your eyebrows to match?

They’re natural. I get it from my dad’s side of the family. 😂  Same place I get my awesome sense of humor.

Don’t be a smart ass.

I shave them off and paint them on freehand with a thin paintbrush. Currently I use a long-wear liquid lipstick that matches my hair. If it’s black I use liquid eyeliner. If it is purple I use either purple liquid eyeliner or a matching eyeliner pencil set with matching eyeshadow.

What does your hair look like usually?

Exactly how it looks right now, but probably pinned or pulled back instead of fluffy and everywhere.

Does it take a long time?

Sometimes. Usually I just wake up with my hair looking all weird and hairspray it so it’ll stay weird. When I have it up like in the picture, it takes at least half an hour, but I can really just mess with it forever if I want to.


I’m glad we had this little chat.

Makeup of the Day

Eyeshadows: NYX eyeshadows in Rock, Lime Juice and Bright Green, MAC eyeshadow in Nylon, NYX glitter eyeliner in Green, (name has rubbed off) sparkly liquid eyeliner in Green, Almay liquid eyeliner in Black, Urban Decay Perversion mascara; eyebrows are Rimmel Provocalips lip paint in Little Minx (yup, for my eyebrows)

Lips: Covergirl Outlast lip paint in Moonlight Mauve

Fragrance: Dolce & Gabanna Pour Femme

I’m not going anywhere. In fact, I’m in my pajamas! I just felt like playing around.

No longer AFK

Hey everyone! Kristin here. While I was gone, I dyed my hair pink and got a tattoo. I am no longer gone so the Kristin-related updates (including a retrospective of what I’ve been doing) will resume soon. But here are my two favorite things I’ve done while I was gone. 😀

Right picture:

Hair: Special FX “Virgin Rose.” I do it myself, including cutting it, lately.

Eyes: MAC eyeshadows in Vex and Satin Taupe, Almay liquid eyeliner, Urban Decay Perversion mascara.

Lips: MAC lipstick in Fusion Pink

Left picture, or: Regarding my tattoo:

It is written Quenya, a dialect of JRR Tolkien’s elvish. It is a quote (part of a longer passage) from The Silmarillion, which is my favorite book. 

It says, in Quenya: “I cardar yar caruvalmë nauvar i tama lindíva.”

In English: “The deeds that we shall do shall be the matter of song.”

Soooooooooo I’m back, hello!

International Fluevog Day!

Ok, so I missed it by a few minutes here on the East coast, but in most of the country, it’s still International Fluevog Day!  In store had 15% off, I believe, and every 45th web order was/is free.  Nope, I did not order anything today, but I wanted to share my latest acquisition, which is my favoritest pair of shoes in the history of MANKIND, the Fluevog Esoteric Temptations Odette:



Ok, so that photo is a little dark.  Basically, this newer design is a mary jane hybrid of the older 80s/90s Swordfish toe, with the Frugal heel.  You Voggers will understand this language; everyone else just keep reading (giggle).  There’s a platinum colored band around the heel for an extra embellishment.  But what really gets me…is this buckle!



Oh, you want to see it with some fancy tights?  I knew you did.


How about purple with a tulle tea length skirt?


How about some fencepost tights with a four-cornered skirt?


How about some sexy lace?

Oh my godddddddddddd.  You guys.  Sometimes I get these shoes out of the box just to *look* at them.  Do you have any clothing or accessories you feel like that about?  Leave me a comment!

Mad Max: Preview


Tomorrow, I am going to participate in a Mad Max flash mob and viewing of Mad Max: Fury Road. One might say I am a little excited. Here’s a little preview of the makeup I’m working on to wear with my crazy get-up.

This is basically the entire theme behind my Burning Man camp. My time has come! The only thing missing is my campmates…